Dependency Injection

Registering the Service

Elm supports Dependency Injection out of the box and it’s fairly simple to set up. In this page we’ll use an ASP.NET Core WebApi/MVC6 project as an example but this would work with a Console project as well.

In your Startup.cs file you should have a method to configure services. The default Microsoft scaffolding creates it as public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services).

To add Elm simply add this line:

services.AddElm<MySqlDriver>(options => options.ConnectionString = Configuration["Data:ConnectionString"]);

This assumes you want to use MySQL/MariaDb. Replace MySqlDriver by SQLiteDriver or SqlServerDriver depending on your requirements. This also assumes that your ConnectionString is stored in a JSON file that was provided to the ConfigurationBuilder in the Startup method, like this:

public IConfigurationRoot Configuration { get; set; }
    public Startup(IHostingEnvironment env)
        var configurationBuilder = new ConfigurationBuilder();
        configurationBuilder.AddCommandLine(new string[] { });
        Configuration = configurationBuilder.Build();

You will of course need to use the relevant namespaces, in our cases they would be:

using Folke.Elm;
using Folke.Elm.Mysql;

Now that the service is registered, let’s see how to setup a Controller to use it.

Use the Service

In your Controller, simply specify in the constructor that you want an IFolkeConnection object. Create a Property for it and associate it.

public class MyController : Controller
    protected readonly IFolkeConnection session;
    public MyController(IFolkeConnection session)
        this.session = session;
    public async Task<IActionResult> Get(int id)
        Product myProduct = session.Load<Product>(id);
        return Ok(myProduct);