
This page will explain how to quickly start using Elm. For this we’ll build a sample Console Application. You can find the source of this application on GitHub: https://github.com/folkelib/Folke.Elm.Demo

We’ll use .NET Core for this Console Application and Visual Studio 2015. Feel free to use any other editor but Visual Studio makes it easy to scaffold the application. Go ahead and create an Empty Console (Package) application.

Package References

Once this is done, the very first thing to do is to add the Folke.Elm packages into the project.json file. Elm supports both .NET 4.5 and .NET Core but in that sample we’ll use only .NET Core. Add the references to Elm into the appropriate section. In this sample we’ll use SQLite but feel free to use a different database driver.

We will also need a few more packages for later in the quickstart:

  • System.ComponentModel.Annotations
  • System.Reflection

The JSON file should look like this (for the package versions, just use whatever the latest version is:

 "version": "1.0.0-*",
 "buildOptions": {
   "emitEntryPoint": true

 "dependencies": {
   "Microsoft.NETCore.App": {
     "type": "platform",
     "version": "1.0.0-rc2-3002702"

 "frameworks": {
   "netcoreapp1.0": {
     "imports": "dnxcore50",
     "dependencies": {
       "Folke.Elm": "1.2.0-beta-23380600",
       "Folke.Elm.Sqlite": "1.2.0-beta-23380600"


Obviously the various packages version might change as we publish newer versions. In our example we used the SQLite driver for two reasons:

  • as of today Oracle hasn’t released a MySQL driver that works under .NET Core
  • not everybody wants to run code on Windows/Azure or Microsoft SQL Server

SQLite for its part will work with .NET Core (which means it’ll run natively on Windows, Linux and Mac) or with .NET 4.5 (which means it’ll work natively on Windows and with Mono on Linux and Mac). In any case, Elm is built in such a way that it’s really, really easy to switch from one driver to the other and this documentation will indicate where.

Demo Classes

For the purposes of this sample application we’ll use two classes: Product and Order. As you can imagine, we’ll create fake Products and then generate some fake Orders containing these fake Products. Note that for the sake of simplicity these classes will be created in the same project as the Console Application, but you are of course completely free to create them in a separate project (and you probably should).

Here’s the first class, Product.cs:

namespace Folke.Elm.Demo.Data
    public class Product: IFolkeTable
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public string PartNumber { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public string Price { get; set; }
        public string Description { get; set; }
        public string Comment { get; set; }

There are two things your class must have. It must implement the IFolkeTable interface, and for that it must have an Id property. This property can be an Integer (for typical database primary key usage) or it can also be a String (for instance if you want your Primary Key to be a GUID). For the rest, you are free to create the fields you want. Elm also supports Annotations and will use them as instructions when creating the database schema. For instance, let’s say we want to limit the size of the PartNumber to 36 characters. We just need to modify the class to this:

using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;

namespace Folke.Elm.Demo.Data
    public class Product: IFolkeTable
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public string PartNumber { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public string Price { get; set; }
        public string Description { get; set; }
        public string Comment { get; set; }

Note that we had to add the System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations namespace. Make sure to add this package to the .NET Core dependencies (.NET 4.5 doesn’t need this to be explicitely added since it’s part of that framework). There are many more supported Annotations.

The second class is Order.cs and looks like this:

using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace Folke.Elm.Demo.Data
    public class Order: IFolkeTable
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public IList<Product> Products { get; set; }

The Products property is a list of Product objects. There can be an arbitrary amount of those in the list. In the database, this will create a relational table. Automatically. No XML or mapping to write, Elm takes care of all that for you!

Now that we have a couple of classes, let’s setup the rest of the application.

Creating the database

For this setp we’ll put all of the database creation in one big method. There are better ways to do this, by ways of Dependency Injection for instance. Read the dotnetcore page for more details on this.

The object type for establishing connections (or you could call them sessions as well) is FolkeConnection. This class has a Create() method that you can use as a factory.

        IDatabaseDriver databaseDriver,
        IMapper mapper,
        string connectionString);

Since we use SQLite in this example the session will be created like this:

IFolkeConnection session = FolkeConnection.Create(
                                        new Sqlite.SqliteDriver(),
                                        new Mapping.Mapper(),
                                        "Data Source=test.db");

Then we need to tell that session to update the schema (this method will create it instead if it doesn’t exist).


Here we just specify the Assembly from one of our Classes. Elm will automatically read that Assembly and create the schema appropriately.

Saving to the database

Now we need an object to save into the database. Let’s start with a Product.

Product product = new Product
            Comment = "Awesome product",
            Description = "This product is awesome, trust us, we just want to sell it to you.",
            Name = "Awesome-O",
            PartNumber = "AWE-SOME-O1",
            Price = "10000"

And now to save it, we only need to create a transaction.

using (var t = session.BeginTransaction())

And that’s it, the product is saved!

Now we can create an Order object that references that product.

Order order = new Order();

using(var t = session.BeginTransaction())

Reading from the database

Now that the product object has been saved into the database, its relevant properties have been automatically updated. In our case, the Id has been set. We can access it directly in the follow up code.

Console.WriteLine("New product Id is {0}", product.Id);

But most of the time the object will be saved in a different scope than the one you want to read it from. In that case, there are two methods you can use: IFolkeConnection.Get<ObjectType>(Id) or IFolkeConnection.Load<ObjectType>(Id). The only difference between these two methods is that Load() will throw an error if the object cannot be found in database whereas Get() will return null.

// Returns the correct product
Product loadedProduct = session.Load<Product>(product.Id);

 // Returns the correct product
Product getProduct = session.Load<Product>(product.Id);

// Returns an error
Product loadedProduct = session.Load<Product>(2323);

// Returns a null object
Product getProduct = session.Load<Product>(2323);

Selecting from the database

Elm supports the Fluent syntax for selecting from the database. You can apply any number of filters. Make sure to add the using Folke.Elm.Fluent; statement. For instance, to select all the Products you would do this:

var Products = session.SelectAllFrom<Product>().ToList();

We can order them, for instance by Id to get them by chronological order.

var Products = session.SelectAllFrom<Product>()
                        .OrderBy(x => x.Id).Desc

Maybe we want to select only the Id and PartNumber fields.

var Products = session.SelectAllFrom<Product>(x => x.Id, x => x.PartNumber)
                        .OrderBy(x => x.Id).Desc